
Just an Observation:
I noticed something profound as I perused through millions of google hits to the word "Bald." Babies are born with very little hair and are regarded as a wonder and a blessing of the human species. Additionally, as one ages, hair starts to thin and hairline recedes, while old age is recognized as a time of peace and wisdom. These two monumental stages of human life are characterized by a lack of sufficient hair, adverse to the prejudice against bald people that has been established by modern society. Why, I ask? Why are people unable to embrace baldness and allow it to become a factor of their lives? In conclusion,individuals are encouraged to shave their heads in order to join the resilient babies and old-folk of the world. Thank you.

Bald? Good.
There are many faces of baldness.  Many who face the very real challenge of baldness embrace their hair loss and learn how to be witty, hysterically funny people.  However, their funny personalities make one wonder:  Are they funny on purpose? Well, we don't claim to know the answer to that question but in many, the comedic tendencies come off as natural.  
Exhibit A: The Substitute Teacher
Substitute teachers represent many varied walks of life, every race, every age and every personality.  Also, the reason for actually becoming a substitute teacher could be one of many.  There is the old, former teacher who wants to have something to do in their spare time and make a little extra money.  There is the recent college graduate with a degree in taking mommy and daddy's money.  And, there is one rarer sect of substitute teaching: middle aged people who seem to have no reason for it whatsoever.  The last is my personal favorite (they are also the most likely to be bald).  This brings me to the point.  Jovial, slightly overweight, bald.  The best substitutes in the world.  One substitute in particular is who I am thinking of.  He was a riot and most importantly, totally bald.  This man had me laughing from the first word out of his mouth.  He took attendance and prepared a funny comment for each person.  When he mispronounced one kid's name, the student corrected him.  He replied with a forceful, "Close enough."  Not only was he funny, he was pleasant and encouraging.  Funny on purpose?  We'll never know.
Exhibit B: The Loud Neighbor
Loud, bald neighbors are the best.  No question.  One of my neighbors fits this bill perfectly (he is also pretty funny)and just a great neighbor in general.  Friday evening, coming home from work, he would emerge from his gray Toyota Camry, singing at the top of his lungs, "I've got sunshine, I've got music, I've got rhythm, who could ask for anything more?"  Then he would inevitably stray from the original lyrics and improvise with his own.  He always has a positive outlook on life, no matter what the situation is.  A loud positive outlook.
Loud on purpose? Yes.  
I hope you have learned from this page what I intended for you to learn.  Bald people can have big personalities, even if their stereotype is of a boring middle aged man.  Don't write them off because of their obvious misshapen heads.  Love them, embrace them, because there is something underneath.  Something wonderfully bald.